AR1142 Spring Break Is Over

PodcastOn this episode I talk about what going to my mom’s, finding shows on Netflix, and Instagram. Leave comments and call the voicemail line: 202-709-3029, Twitter: @RadioArcherr Instagram: @radioarcherr
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  1. Unfortunately, I don’t believe that the elderly generation dying off is going to make that much difference. Fox news and its ilk have such a strong following that there are more zombies being created every day — people who believe what the Rush Limbaugh and the Glen Becks of the world say. How could anyone not understand that global warming is a threat? My sister-in-law thinks Obama Care is evil even though she has a daughter who has cancer and no health insurance. They are growing more stupids by the day.

  2. I wanted to leave you an update on my ipod touch issue playing your show. The last time they came out with a new upgrade to the OS, it fixed whatever problem was going on. I don’t know if it had a bad flux installation of the operating software or if it was a known problem, but it’s all fixed. So no more crashing on your show.

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