AR1150 Podcast App

PodcastOn this episode I talk about my trip to California, Andy Griffith, and the new Apple Podcast App. Leave comments and call the voicemail line: 202-709-3029, Twitter: @RadioArcherr Instagram: @radioarcherr
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  1. After having lived most of my life in CA – I do really miss the weather. That was a perk that makes living in CA so pleasant. You find yourself spending a lot more time outside. I will be back permanently but have loved the opportunity to experience so many regions in the US.

    Thanks for sharing your trip sounds like a fun one.

    I haven’t tried that app – I purchased podcruncher for 0.99 but my iPad was stolen on Saturday before I could try it. I am trying to decide when I am going to replace it and with what. I spent over $800 on that one……

  2. The Podcast App is a dog. As it happens, I decided to listen to podcasts using the App today (before I saw the title of yours) so yours was the first I listened to using it. It just stopped about halfway through, so that’s not a good recommendation.

    I have my phone synced with my desktop iTunes, so when I first launched the App, it downloaded all the unplayed episodes of the podcasts I already had synced on my phone (I sync manually—I don’t use the cloud).

    I have most of the same complaints as you do, in particular, where are the user settings? An App’s settings should always be in the App itself, but their aren’t even any in Settings. That’s a major failing in my book. Also, it displays all podcasts by SHOW art, which is fine for podcasts that have it, but not all do, and some of those that do have show art (not episode art) use a photo with no words, and that means I have no idea what the podcast is. By contrast, the Music App I used before has a list of podcasts by name, and displays the show art next to the name (and the episode art in the player). This is much more sensible.

    As if all that weren’t bad enough, the thing is the slowest App I’ve ever used, often totally non-responsive (I think this may be because it’s talking to the cloud each and every time I launch), so sometimes touching things just doesn’t seem to do anything.

    And finally, I noticed that when I wake up my phone the, App is minimised (or whatever it’s called); the Music App stays open when I wake up the phone so I can pause a podcast to do something else, all of which means that the Podcast App make me go through extra steps.

    I came “thisclose” to just deleting the thing, but I decided to wait to see if the update will fix all these bugs. Even if it does, I don’t really see what this gives me that’s special or unique, especially considering that it favours corporate content providers, not independents like us.


    P.S. Glad you had a good time! 🙂

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