AR1158 Earthquake Anniversary

PodcastOn this episode I talk about the great east coast earthquake anniversary, taking my mom to the new medical center, politics, the Dan Savage video debate with Brian Brown, and a few movies I’ve seen lately. Leave comments and call the voicemail line: 202-709-3029, Twitter: @RadioArcherr Instagram: @radioarcherr
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  1. I live in Japan and people here always keep the bathroom door closed, which has always bothered me for exactly the reasons you mentioned. As a cultural difference I’m interested if any American families do it.
    Thanks for the podcast!

  2. I was on a business trip in Toronto and was in a highrise and we could feel it moving. The considered evacuating the building. I was like the tremors I use to get in Cali.

  3. I was just thinking about the east coast quake a few days ago, it’s hard to belive it’s been a whole year already. Have you seen ‘s video about gay hookers getting ready for the GOP convention, it’s worth the look. 🙂

    And, yes I keep the bathroom door open when it’s not in use.

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