AR030 Patriot Act

PodcastAwful picture, hair cut, Patriot Act, Dating with David sweeper, listener e-mail and comments, Beth’s blog, Copperred’s blog, UFN Show, Mr. Poose, iTunes and the 7-Eleven promotion, and the 30th Show! Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

AR028 Dating With David

PodcastDating with David! Steve Jobs keynote speech at the World Wide Developers Conference and podcasting, guess the movie returns, listener e-mail, Mr. Poose photos, listener comments, John Ong, and my photo page. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

AR026 Calling Homer

PodcastSweeper from Victor of Typical PC User, Spelling Bee, calling Homer, listener voicemail, shopping, podsafe music: Album Resolve by Victor Cajiao and Joe Cristina. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

AR024 This Day In History

PodcastThis day in history, listener e-mail, Typical PC User, Podsafe Music: Resolve by Victor Cajiao and Joe Cristina, Bush speaks, Virginia Lottery, and searching for new podcasts. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

AR023 Short and Boring

PodcastBirthday recap, Queer As Folk, listener voicemail, listener e-mail, Bob Worthy, Podsafe music: Resolve by Victor Cajiao and Joe Cristina. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr