AR048 Dating With David

PodcastPodsafe music by Victor Cajiao and Joe Cristina, Dating with David update, interns, porn, iTrick, Manhunt, new look, Live 8, podcasting, drunk stories, Peter, Podcastique. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

AR047 Curious Bumble Bee

PodcastSandra Day O’Connor retires, Fourth of July weekend, confusing bumble bee, Feast of Fools, Jason Cable, no podcasts this weekend. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

AR046 Gay Channel

PodcastiTunes drama, BMW, files, discs, and archiving, gay channel Logo, voicemail, e-mail, 20 gig iPod, and Jimmy McBean’s promo. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

AR043 Fondling The Dentist

PodcastPodsafe music by Tyler Riggs, Regulations 18 U.S.C. 2257, Sardonic-Bomb, Supreme Court decisions, Tom Cruise on the View, Opah gets earrings, fondling the dentist, and listener e-mails. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

AR042 Photo Shoot With Bob

PodcastYesterday’s train wreck of a podcast, listener e-mail, guess the movie answer, Jimmy McBean returns, typical news stories, photo shoot with Bob. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr