It’s the 100th podcast! Yay! Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!
Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr
The boyfriend and I went to a winery event to hear some Bluegrass music and enjoy some wines. On today’s show we talk about the events of the day and play some of the music in the background while we talk. This was recorded on Saturday. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!
Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr
On today’s show I talk about David of Dating with David, The Washington Post Express, Podcasting and Higher Education, the 100th show, Bert, a transexual, a wheelchair, the movie guess, hurricane Rita, a car update, and Tylenol PM. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!
Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr