AR1136 Apple TV

PodcastOn this episode I talk all about the new iPad, the Apple TV, and the primaries of course. Leave comments and call the voicemail line: 202-709-3029, Twitter: @RadioArcherr Instagram: @radioarcherr
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1 Comment

  1. The WAPO poll that you mentioned was a skewed one. In a Feb. poll done by the same paper, Obama was up on Romney by a rather wide margin with a job approval rating at 50%. What contributed to a sharp decline? The population sampled by WAPO—7% more GoOPs were surveyed with a smaller sampling of Democrats. If indeed that poll is accurate, then Romney should be shaking in his wingtips. A polling sample that leans Republican yet still produces a horse race cannot be good news for his campaign. Pew Research released a poll yesterday which gave Obama a 50% job approval and a 54-42 lead over Romney. Santorum? Obama at 57%. Polls at this time of the year cannot be very reliable in either direction; however, with the clown show known as the GoOP primary going on, I would be shocked if any of their candidates realistically have a lead over the more sane Obama.

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