AR1110 Happy New Year!

PodcastHappy New Year! What a great way to start the new year then with a new podcast. Here’s the first episode. You can’t find it in iTunes but if you subscribed to the feed in iTunes you’ll get it automatically. If not, listen to it here. I hope to podcast once or twice a week. We’ll see how it goes. I talk about new year’s resolutions. Do you have any for this year? Leave comments and call the voicemail line: 202-709-3029, Twitter: @RadioArcherr Instagram: @radioarcherr
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  1. I am VERY late to the game but I am now catching up. I am really glad you are podcasting. I have stopped listening to podcasts completey so I am out of touch. Welcome back – it took a long time to fill that void!

  2. Let me add one more cheer along with the rest. I am so glad you are back. It was great listning to you on my way to work again, it felt like home. My only comment after listening to a few episodes is, um, (kidding) don’t stress about the time or frequency. Just do what feels right on each day. So for now boys and girls – byeeeeeeee!!

  3. I’m a happy guy today… I ran across a twitter comment that mentioned your new podcast. I’ve missed listening to you… welcome back to the pod-o-sphere!


  4. Soooooooooo glad you are back!!! Now my podcast rotation will feel complete again! I am working on two of your resolutions as well, eating better/loosing weight and saving money! Good luck! Hope to hear so much more from you in the coming year(s) 🙂

  5. It’s wonderful to hear you podcasting again! Congrats on the new car and happy New Year! Although I need to drop several stone, I’ve made no actual resolutions this year. Question: Do you think you’ll show up on any group podcasts as a guest?

  6. YAY! I was soooo excited to see this downloading into my iTunes! Just like the old days, it was the first thing I listened to. I’m glad you’re back, in whatever length and frequency you choose. Welcome home! 🙂

    Since you asked, I don’t do New Year resolutions as such because I think they set people up to fail. But I nevertheless have some goals for this year. Among them, losing weight, reading more, podcasting more and doing videos again.

  7. It was so great hearing your surprise appearance on Pride48 VegasPride. The outpouring of affection to you was wonderful. I’m so glad to finally get to discover for myself, what others have so missed for so long. I join the collective excitement of your return. Such a great start to a new year. CHEERS!

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