Kamala For President

PodcastOn this episode I talk about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the events of the last few days. I also talk about text messages and play a voicemail from Scotty. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

Be Aware

PodcastOn this episode I talk about the assignation attempt, our weekend in wine country, comment on the website and I play a voicemail from Scotty. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr

Our Boston Trip

PodcastOn this episode I play a voicemail from Baron Frosti and then I talk about our trip to Boston last weekend. I also briefly talk about the SCOTUS ruling and 4th of July. Leave some comments or call the voicemail line!


Voicemail: 202-709-3029
Twitter: @radioarcherr
Instagram: @radioarcherr